Tomo Podgornik, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas
Tugo Susnik, Untitled, Acrylic on canvas
Andraz Salamun, Bizon, Acrylic on canvas
Irwin. Capital, mixed media
Nog een voorbeeld van de vele politieke werken in dit museum. Irwin is een kunstenaarscollectief. Fe installatie verwijst naar de tweede wereldoorlog en de communistische tijd.
"... the visual language developed by IRWIN in the 1980s consists almost exclusively of visual elements quoted from Western and Eastern European art of the 19th and 20th centuries. IRWIN employs motifs from Socialist Realism and the art of the “Third Reich”, from the various politically-engaged European avant-garde movements including German Dadaism – in particular the artist John Heartfield –, Italian Futurism and Soviet-Russian Constructivism, as well as from religious art and Slovenian art of the 19th century. These elements are then combined with the Laibach (Ljubljana) “leitmotifs”: eagle, stag, sower, little drummer, and the black cross of the Russian Suprematist Kasimir Malevich. IRWIN assembles these motifs from such varied origins in complex and multi-layered oil paintings in heavy frames."
source: click here
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